The Mooring Integrity User Group (MIUG)
Date: Tuesday 17th of June, 2025
5th FER week 16-20 June, 2025
Please scroll down to see the program.
About the Mooring Integrity User Group (MIUG)
The Mooring Integrity User Group (MIUG) is an open, informal, one-day forum dedicated to sharing lessons learned in mooring integrity – good and bad. It addresses all aspects of the mooring life-cycle, from design, manufacturing, installation, operations all the way through decommissioning, and anything that touches on it. The typical focus is on permanent offshore mooring systems with anchor legs (oil & gas, and FOWT), but shallow water solutions, and jetty-type moorings are sometimes addressed as well.
The MIUG is an opportunity for the mooring community to share experiences, present new ideas, address gaps in regulations, or address anything else which could be of interest. In the past, a wide variety of topics have been presented, including lessons learned from component failures, improved inspection or monitoring methods, installation experiences, mooring repair and replacement practices, testing of new materials or components, testing of used components, etc. Often, attendees have come to the conclusion that some of their issues are not unique to them, and many JIPs have since formed to address common issues, resulting in improved insights, practices, or codes and standards.
Typical attendance of the MIUG is 60-120 people, and consists mostly of technical people (research, engineering, operations support, etc.), representing operators, contractors, suppliers and class representatives. Presentations in the MIUG are technical of nature, and data or experience driven, and must avoid commercialism.

Photo subscript:
“The Paris (June 2023) edition of the MIUG included a special panel session on the use of Nylon ropes in permanent mooring systems”
Program Mooring Integrity User Group
Program update for June 2025 will follow.
Previous Meetings